Blogul "cum-ne-jucam-cu-soldatii" a fost creat pornind de la ideea ca nu toata lumea are acces si, mai ales, timp, sa se ocupe de un wargaming conventional. Astfel, avand reguli extem de flexibile si orice spatiu disponibil ca "gameboard", jocul pe care il prezint in acest blog a fost creat acum cel putin 10 ani (din anul 2000), si este imbunatatit continuu.
Desi se aseamana in cateva privinte cu un wargame clasic, diferentele de concept sunt mari:
-nu folosesc planse pentru batalii; orice spatiu pe care il pot exploata in aceasta privinta este bun: camarele unei case, holuri, curti, depozite, etc.
-nu folosesc anumite piese pentru a ma juca; in general, soldatii si tehnica militara venite din China, in pungi sau galetuse, la preturi foarte mici, sunt cele mai bune; mai folosesc, ocazional, soldati la scara 1/72; insa partea interactiva a jocului este ca fiecare poate folosi, la propriile batalii, ce jucarii doreste.
-miscarile soldatilor sau ale vehiculelor nu sunt determinate de aruncarile unui zar; toate piesele sunt miscate independent, cu mana; astfel, spre exemplu, daca o unitate americana vrea sa atace o unitate germana, soldatii sunt miscati, unul cate unul, cate putin, pana ajung in locul dorit; daca nemtii vor sa se miste, se vor muta la fel, dar intercalat cu mutarile americanilor; si asa mai departe; modalitatile de a muta unitati militare intr-un joc de acest tip sunt aproape nelimitate; fiecare alege modul care ii convine.
-regulile enuntate de mine in acest blog sunt regulile implementate de mine, jocului meu si au doar rol consultativ; fiecare poate implementa propriul sau set de reguli tactice si strategice.
-datorita flexibilitatii, jocul poate fi dus la o complexitate ridicata, putand crea si sisteme politice sau economice, care sa sustina razboiul sau nu; pe de alta parte, se poate juca doar cu regulile elementare, ideea de baza ramanand favorizarea distractiei si interactivitatatii, in detrimentul regulilor complicate si fixe, putandu-se juca atat de catre copii mici cat si de adulti;
-scenariile sunt limitate doar de imaginatia jucatorului; este la latitudinea acestuia sa adopte un sistem care sa urmareasca o idee de la inceput sau sa porneasca, de fiecare data, de la alta idee.
Alte avantaje sau dezavantaje le veti mai descoperi voi in "tutorialul" pe care voi incerca sa-l prezint cat mai detaliat posibil.
Sugestii pentru o mai buna urmarire a tutorialului:
-Accesati postarile in ordinea inscrisa intre parantezele din fiecare titlu (incepeti cu (postarea 1) ).
-Informatiile pot fi accessate si in functie de capitolele afisate in stanga ecranului.
-Fotografiile, diagramele sau schitele prezente pe acest blog si care imi apartin NU sunt sub incidenta legilor copyright.
-Folositi butoanele pentru adaugare comentariilor in cazul in care aveti de semnalat greseli sau de facut sugestii.
-Denumirile unor arme sau vehicule pot fi diferite fata de cele din realitate.
-Jucariile prezentate in acest blog NU SUNT DE VANZARE. Cel putin, nu toate. Contactati-ma la adresa de mai jos pentru alte detalii de acest fel.
-Prezentarea regulilor si a bataliilor imi apartine in proportie de 100%, deci nu o sa o mai gasiti si pe alte site-uri (in afara de cele in care am postat tot eu).
-Jocul poate fi jucat atat de catre un singur jucator, care reprezinta toate natiunile implicate in joc, precum si de mai multe persoane, care pot juca atat in paralel (fiecare joaca singur, dar poate schimba idei sau unitati de lupta cu alt jucator, si care folosesc, in mare, aceleasi reguli), sau se poate juca in multiplayer, fiind o ocazie buna de a petrece timpul cu fratii sau copiii dvs., intr-un mod interactiv.
Pentru sugestii, reclamatii sau nelamuriri, va sta la dispozitie butonul pentru comentarii de la fiecare postare, precum si adresa mea de e-mail si messenger .
Pentru traducerea blogului in alte limbi exista site-ul , in care puteti introduce adresa blogului si selecta limba in care il vreti tradus.
Introducere (Eng)
This blog was created starting from the idea that not everyone has access, or, especially, time, to play conventional wargames. Thus, having extremely flexible rules and using every available space as a "gameboard", the game I'm presenting in this blog was created more than 10 years ago (by the year 2000), and it is continually improved and updated.
Although it has some rules that resemble a classic wargame, the foundation concepts are very different:
-it doesn't use boards to wage war on; any available space that can be used is exploited: rooms, yards, deposits, fields, etc.
-one doesn't need particular items to play the game; usually, cheap, made-in-china soldiers and vehicles are the best; these often come in bags or buckets and are available at very low prices; 1/72 scale toy soldiers can also be used; but the interactive part of this game is that you can use, for your own battles, whatever you want.
-the movement of soldiers or vehicles is not limited by the casting of a dice; every piece is moved independently, by hand; for exmaple, if a unit wants to attack another unit, the soldiers and vehicles are moved one by one, by hand, step by step, until the unit reaches the position desired; if the enemy unit wants to move to, it will be moved in the same way, each soldier at a time, between two enemy moves, and so on; the possibilities of movement in this type of game are almost limitless, leaving everyone to chose the style he/she likes.
-the rules written by me in his blog are the rules I invented for my game and have only a consulting role; more or less based on these, anyone can make his own set of rule for his own game.
-cause of its flexibility, the game can be very complex, having political and/or economical feats, or it can be kept as simple as possible, the main idea being to have fun with less rules to be learned and more interactive rules, to be tested "in combat"; in this way, it can be played by kid or by adults, all the same.
-scenarios are limited only by the imagination of the player; it's at your own choice to fight from the start following one story or to fight every battle independently;
More advantages or disadvantages can be discovered by following the tutorial, which I will try to present as clear as possible.
Suggestions for a good understanding of the presentation:
-Access to the posts should be made in the order presented in the brackets of each post title (starting with post 1 - postarea 1).
-The chapters in the left side of the screen offer a good order to follow.
-Photos, diagrams and drawings that belong to me are not under copyright laws, so feel free to use them as you wish.
-Add comments to posts if you have to report a mistake or make a suggestion.
-Names and feats of weapons or vehicles may differ from the real ones.
-Toys presented on this blog are NOT FOR SALE. At least not many of them. Contact me at the address bellow for more intel on these details.
-The rules and the battles presented or yet to be presented are of my own creation and will not be found on any other website (except the ones where I posted).
-The game can be played by one person, that represents all nations involved in conflict, or can be played by more players, that either fight with each other following the same rule or either fight on their own but share ideas or units. Either way, it is a good opportunity to spend some good time with yourself, your kids, brothers and so on.
For any complaints, suggestions or questions, you can either leave a comment, either contact me at the e-mail and yahoo messenger address .
For translation of this blog, you can use ; type the address of the blog and select the language from which you want it translated as ROMANIAN (ROMANA), and then select the language in which you want it translated; it's pretty easy, I'm sure you can do it.
(use this link to have it translated in english: )
UPDATE (March, 2011): I recently added pages to the blog (right under the header photo), so, after reading this (The Introduction), it's better if you follow the tabs with the pages in the displaied order. The most useful one is the "Chapters", where you can find every post structured accordingly to its designated chapter. This way, one can read what post he/she wants, without browsing the whole blog history. Also, there is the "Auxiliary" page, which contains useful scans and explanations for all the paperwork I use in the wargame. Also, the "Campaigns" page, when completed, will provide scans and transcripts (partially in english), of the battle reports and other useful pieces of "history", like photos or videos. Some other pages are yet to be developed, but already desiganted to some other, I hope, useful bits of intell.
UPDATE (March, 2011): I recently added pages to the blog (right under the header photo), so, after reading this (The Introduction), it's better if you follow the tabs with the pages in the displaied order. The most useful one is the "Chapters", where you can find every post structured accordingly to its designated chapter. This way, one can read what post he/she wants, without browsing the whole blog history. Also, there is the "Auxiliary" page, which contains useful scans and explanations for all the paperwork I use in the wargame. Also, the "Campaigns" page, when completed, will provide scans and transcripts (partially in english), of the battle reports and other useful pieces of "history", like photos or videos. Some other pages are yet to be developed, but already desiganted to some other, I hope, useful bits of intell.
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